Great Resources for Educators

Get a Class Card

If you would like to get a card that will let you check out hotspots, books and DVDs specifically for your class or day care, you will need to bring in a letter on letter head and signed by the head of your organization authorizing you to get a card in the organization’s name and taking responsibility for any materials you might borrow.  Multiple names can be added to the account as authorized borrowers, and removed as changes are made to staff.  When someone comes in to use the account, they will need to present id to verify the name is on the account.

Class Visits to the Library

We welcome class visits, whether for story times, tours, “how to use the library” lessons or all of the above!  Please contact Yolanda Risher at 804-733-2387 ext 6405.

Library visits to the Classroom

We are happy to visit your classroom or daycare to talk about the library or provide story times.  You may also schedule a visit from the Techknowledge Bus, our “library on wheels”.  Please contact Yolanda Risher at 804-733-2387 ext 6405.

Techknowledge Bus

We are happy to visit your classroom or daycare to talk about the library or provide story times.  You may also schedule a visit from the Techknowledge Bus, our “library on wheels”.  Please contact Yolanda Risher at 804-733-2387 ext 6405.
