Display My Art - Petersburg Public Library
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How do I get my art displayed in the library?


In accordance with the Petersburg Public Library mission and vision statements, spaces will be maintained for the exhibition of the art work of community members. Art may include paintings, photographs, sculpture, pottery and other art forms and crafts that provide civic cultural, educational and recreational enrichment.

Typically, art will be displayed in cabinets in the Rotunda or on the wall space in the gallery. Other areas may be used at the discretion of staff. The Library does not endorse or support the views of any individual or group making use of exhibit or display spaces. [sign to this effect should be posted]


Interested exhibitors should submit three samples of their work along with a completed Exhibit Proposal Form to the Library’s Marketing and Program Development staff. The potential exhibitor will be contacted by the Marketing and Program Development staff with a decision concerning the exhibit. The decision will be based upon a number of factors:

  • Priority will be given to displays that are educational, cultural, recreational or civic in nature.
  • Overall community interest
  • Historical significance of the artist or organization
  • Relevance to Library programs, mission, vision and services
  • Special needs, costs or requests associated with the proposed exhibit
  • Enrichment to the Library’s environment and to the community
  • Availability of the space at the time requested
  • If multiple people/organizations submit requests to exhibit similar displays, the first request received will be given priority
  • The Library and its display areas are accessible to people of all ages. Artifacts, visuals and text may not contain personal insults or foul language. Exhibits of pornographic, polemic or discriminatory nature will be denied.
  • Displays by commercial or profit-making groups, businesses or individuals will not be considered.
  • Display of any items judged by staff to be illegal will not be displayed.

If an exhibit is accepted for display:
  • Displays should include a sign stating the name of the display and the artist.
  • The dates for displays will be established by the Library’s Marketing and Program Development staff. Exhibits will generally be displayed for one month. Exceptions may be made if circumstances warrant.
  • The individual or organization is responsible for installing and removing works; Library staff may oversee this process, but will not be available to assist. Installation and removal must be performed during regular Library hours. The individuals installing or removing the pieces are responsible for any damage incurred during the installation or removal process.
  • An inventory of all items included in the exhibit will be submitted to the Library. Before dismantling of the exhibit, items included will be checked against the inventory.
  • Any items damaged or stolen will covered by the Library’s insurance
  • The Library will not accept responsibility for the storage of exhibitor’s property
  • Direct sale of works is not permitted on Library property. Pricing shall not be included directly on works, but may be included on a list available at the front desk. All sales shall be transacted between the buyer and the artist.
  • Artists may hold receptions for their work. The Library will provide tables and chairs. Artists will send out invitations and provide refreshments.
  • The Library will provide marketing for all exhibits.