Mobile Hotspots | Petersburg Public Library
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Mobile Hotspot Lending Policy

Borrower must be 18 years of age or older with a valid library card AND a valid photo ID.

Borrower must be in good standing with fines not exceeding $2 and a current address on file.

Hotspots may be taken out for one week with no renewals.  After a hotspot is returned, it cannot be checked out by the same individual again until one week has elapsed.

Hotspots may be placed on hold; once the Hotspot arrives, it will be held for 3 days.  If it is not picked up within those 3 days, the hold will be cancelled.

The Hotspot will be assessed upon check out and again upon return to make certain all parts are present and in working order.  Borrowers will be liable for any damaged or lost parts, including the case, USB cable and charger.  The Hotspot will not be considered returned until all parts are accounted for.


Hotspots must be returned to a staff member Customer Service Desk of the Petersburg Public Library.  They may NOT be returned to any Hopewell, Prince George or Dinwiddie library, and they may NOT be returned to any bookdrop, or a fine of $2 will be incurred.

A fine of $1 per day will be charged for hotspots that are returned late.  It is the responsibility of the borrower to be aware of library hours and make certain the Hotspot is returned to the Customer Service Desk within those hours.  Overdue hotspots will be deactivated within 2 business days of due date.

The Library is not responsible for any liability, damages or expense resulting from use or misuse of the device.  Wireless security is not implied.  The user acknowledges and accepts all risks associated with the use of a wireless data device.

Potential fines associated with the Mobile Hotspot:

Replacement Costs:         

Unit:      $100

Battery:   $100

Charger:  $40

SIM Card: $25

Case:   $20


Returned to a dropbox or other location: $2

Overdue charge: $1/day