Local Partners | Petersburg Public Library
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Local Partners

Petersburg Public Schools

The mission of Petersburg Public Schools is to develop students through rigorous educational and co-curricular programs into critical, reflective thinkers with the knowledge and skills to communicate effectively, to integrate technology for learning, and to contribute to an ever-changing, diverse community.

Petersburg Library Foundation

The Petersburg Library Foundation was formed in 2002 with a mission to provide financial support for the purchase, construction and operation of a new library. The Foundation is made up of 12 voluntary board members.

Petersburg Healthy Options Partnerships (PHOPs)

The Petersburg Healthy Options Partnerships (PHOPs) is funded by a 2018 to 2023 High Obesity Program (HOP) grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) and the Virginia Tech Center for Public Health Practice and Research (CPHPR).  With the grant, several community and regional organizations are combining efforts to:

  • Improve the food system in the city to increase access to healthier foods
  • Improve and connect routes to everyday destinations (with an emphasis on walking)
  • Support improvements to food guidelines within programs which serve residents.
City of Petersburg

The City of Petersburg was incorporated in 1748.

Bon Secours – Southside Regional Medical Center

Southside Regional Medical Center is your community health care provider, a 300-bed facility located on a 50-acre campus with nearly 400 physicians representing more than 40 specialties.

We believe in the power of people to create great care. We’re more than 1,400 healthcare professionals strong. We are a center for both learning and practicing innovative medicine, with three professional schools on our campus and seven satellite outpatient centers in the Tri-Cities, including: Southside Regional Cancer Center (Petersburg), Southside Emergency Care Center at Colonial Heights, Southside Rehabilitation Services (Petersburg and Colonial Heights), Colonial Heights Imaging, a full-service diagnostic imaging center (Colonial Heights), Women’s Imaging Center (Petersburg), Cardiac Rehabilitation (Colonial Heights) and Southside Regional Wound Healing Center (Petersburg).