Great Resources for Parents
Get your Child a Library Card
If your child attends school in Petersburg, including St. Joseph’s or Appomattox Regional Governor’s School, then your child has card issued through the school that gives them access to Hoopla and Overdrive. If you or your child would like access to the books and DVDs available in the library, you can get them a card (literally the day they are born!), but you will need to come into the library to get them signed up.
Family Resource Center
Raising children is always a challenge, and sometimes parents may want some advice. The Family Resource Center can help. This collection is located in the Children’s Department and is made up of books for special challenges, like special needs or dealing with bullies, as well as the far from simple day-to-day questions all parents deal with.
Reading Resources
1000 Books Before Kindergarten – “Numerous studies estimate that as many as one in five children have difficulties learning to read. Reading has been associated as an early indicator of academic success. Public formal education does not typically start until ages 5-6. Before then, parents and caregivers are the first education providers during the 0-5 early critical years. The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge is a simple (read a book, any book to your child, with the goal of reading 1,000 before kindergarten) and very manageable endeavor.” This resource includes advice on teaching your child to read.
Read 20 Minutes – “Daily reading is key for language development and building strong reading skills. It doesn’t matter what age you start, and the earlier the better! Children who read for just 20 minutes per day see 1.8 million words each year. Research has shown these kids end up scoring in the 90th percentile on standardized tests. You can start even with kids are babies or toddlers.” (quotes from Full Time Baby: Practical Parenting) This resource includes videos, reading tips, research and book lists.
Unattended Children Policy
From the Policies and Procedures Manual, p. 56
Children 10 years of age or younger left in the Library unattended or not picked up at closing time.
A. Staff should:
- Try to locate parent/guardian in the building. See if child or another patron can provide any information about situation.
- If parent/guardian is not in the building, report situation to the Librarian in Charge or Security Officer.
The Librarian in Charge or Security Officer should:
a. Try to obtain name, address and phone number of child and any additional information as to the identity of parent/guardian. Call phone number obtained.
b. If no one can be reached, call the police – use the non-emergency number – 804-733-4222.
c. Stay with child until police arrive.
Note: In the case of older children watching younger children, the older child will sometimes leave the younger. If this happens, the older child will be told stay with the younger child. If the older child again leaves the younger child, then a parent or guardian will be contacted. If a parent or guardian cannot be reached, then the police will be called.
B. Child left alone at closing time. Librarian in Charge should:
- See if child can provide any information about when and who is to pick him/her up. Call this person to find out if someone is coming for the child. If no answer, wait 10-15 minutes. If no one arrives, call the police – use the non-emergency number – 804-733-4222.
- Stay with child until parent, guardian, or police arrives.
- In either case inform the Library Director of the incident.
Please note: Use your judgment with older children. Weather, proximity to other people, vulnerability of the child may require that you also stay with an older child.