Meet the Staff | Petersburg Public Library
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Wayne M. Crocker

Library Director

Wayne M. Crocker was born and raised in Petersburg. He is a graduate of Petersburg High School and Virginia State University, with a Master’s degree in Library Science from the University of Atlanta. He has been library director of library services since 198.. He also oversees museums and cemeteries. He founded the Petersburg Library Foundation, which is responsible for the building of the new library building. Most recently, he has founded the McKenney Foundation, which is working on renovating the old McKenney Library into a Civil Rights museum and City archive. On the rare occasions that he has time, he enjoys the works of John Grisham and David Baldacci.

Felita Tucker

Administrative Assistant

A daughter of Dinwiddie County, Felita Tucker worked 26 years with the state. She receives the Library’s phone calls, does the buying, gets the bills paid and generally keeps things going. She is mother to one son, of whom she is very proud. Her second love is drag racing; she has worked for the Dinwiddie Sports Complex since 1994.

Customer Service

Antonia Robles

Customer Services Manager

A proud native of the Bronx, Antonia Robles has lived in Virginia for 30 plus years. She came to the Library from Tri-Cities Funeral Home. She is responsible for scheduling and overseeing the customer service staff. She is a Spanish speaker. She loves gardening and decorating; the impressive plants and visual displays in the Library are her work. She is a mother to three grown children and five grandchildren.

Janet Sullivan, Library Assistant

Sheila Jarratt, Library Assistant

Marilyn Estes, Library Assistant

Joshua Taylor, Library Assistant

LaBriana Gordon, Library Assistant

Joy Doukas, Library Assistant

Technical Services

Dana Cragg

Technical Services Librarian

Dana Cragg has worked for the Petersburg Library in various roles since 2001. She has a degree in History from Old Dominion University and a Master in Library Science from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. She currently selects and purchases materials for the Library, as well as adding them to the Library catalog. She loves reading and sings with the Chesterfield County Choral Society. She is the loving mother of one dog and one cat.

Audrey Hall, Library Assistant

Healthy Living and Learning Center

Roberto Noriega


Petersburg Library Foundation Office

Kitty Hatcher

Primary Contact

Youth Services Librarian

Position Open

This position is currently vacant. See the City job listings to apply.

Yolanda Risher, Library Assistant

Marketing and Programming

Position Open

This position is currently vacant. See the City job listings to apply.